Sunday, April 23, 2017

My favorite equipment technological

My favorite object of the technology is a Smartphone because has facilated us the communication global.
In the first place the Smartphone indicate one of the most important advance in the technology  for the people.Give accesss to the internet, It is the action most important because connect with other places to the instant, for other part give us tools for the entertaiment as music,games,access to network social, facebook, Instagram, Twiter, etc.
Today the technology of the Smartphone is so big what have one increased amazingly to the point fot the Smartphone be used as tool for work.
Be published new models every years, amplify the camera, internal memory,gigabytes and general characteristic.Progressing in the facility of the live for us.
In spite of everything also presents its disadvantages, the fact of communicating to us through a screen has moved us away from the real life, but that I can say, that is our fault not of the technological object.
See you!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

why I'm chose study forestry?

Hello again
Today I going to tall about my choice in university studies.
I choose to study forestry because It's a beautiful way of understanding our environment and take care of nature. Has a broad field of work and the most important thing I will be away from an office. 
I want to help take care of our natural resources and wildlife because today not exist the consience eviormental and is really important for the life on the planet.
But the most important for me is be a defence for the life and find the best option for his devolopment and welfare.It is our responsibility to help the planet survive our own attacks before it is too .
I will see you in next post!! <3

Thursday, April 6, 2017

About myself

Hi! my name is Isidora Rivas, I'am  eighteen years old, still, eighteen years old, but en two days  it´s my birthday!! 
I am of the north of chile,  specifically of Chuquicamata, here i lived for seven years but the mining camp where i lived with my family it we´re closed because they wanted to expand the mine. A my seven years us go to Calama where i lived for four years. for economic problems my family move to Santiago where live now with my mother, father, sister and my pets.I am student of forestry in the Universidad  de Chile, presently i am in second year.I like going to dancing and drink coffee with my mom or friends.That for now, we see you in the next post, bye :)

My favorite equipment technological

My favorite object of the technology is a Smartphone because has facilated us the communication global. In the first place the Smartphone...